Not satisfied?

We will do everything we can to help you. However, if you are not satisfied with our services, please let us know. By sharing your grievance with us, we can work with you to find a suitable solution. This also helps us to improve our care and services in the future.

Discussing issues

Your care worker and MET ggz are always happy to listen to your wishes and concerns. If you do not agree with the way things are going, please inform your care worker. We can then start to resolve any problems straight away. If we are unable to resolve the problem together, you can contact the complaints officer.

Complaints officer

For clients
The independent complaints officer is there to help you if you are unable to discuss your grievance adequately with a care worker, or if the care worker has not satisfactorily resolved your grievance.

  • For North and Central Limburg:
    Els Vossen, tel.: 06-50499733.
  • For South Limburg: Daan Schatteman,
    tel.: 06-51902514.

You can also report your grievance by sending an email to

For relatives
You can contact the independent complaints officer for mediation, information, and advice.

  • Mediation
    The complaints officer mediates between the complainant and the person about whom the complaint is made. The aim is to resolve grievances or restore trust between two parties. The complaints officer talks to both parties and is impartial. Their objective is to propose a solution without passing judgement. The complaints officer is not authorized to take measures against either of the parties involved.
  • Information and advice
    The complaints officer provides information on internal and external complaints procedures.

If no satisfactory solution can be found to your grievance, the complaints officer may refer you to the possibility of submitting a complaint to MET ggz's complaints committee. As a complainant, you have the right to be assisted or represented by a confidential advisor of your choice. In the case of minors (generally speaking, those under the age of 12) a parent or guardian may act as complainant.

AKJ confidential advisor (assistance for young people)

All (foster) children, (foster) parents, and carers involved in youth care services are entitled to consult an independent confidential advisor. They can contact the AKJ, the Foundation for Youth Care Advice and Complaints (Stichting Advies- en Klachtenbureau Jeugdzorg). Support provided by a confidential advisor is free of charge. The AKJ is an independent foundation and its mediators are not employed by MET ggz or the municipality.

You can contact the AKJ by phone at 088 555 1000 or by email at More information is also available at

Role of the confidential advisor

As a young person, you may be dissatisfied with the assistance you receive from MET ggz or the municipality. If you are unable to resolve the matter with the MET ggz care worker, you can contact the AKJ advisory service. The first thing they do is listen to your story. Sometimes it can help to get things off your chest. The confidential advisor always take your story seriously. They explain your rights and give advice. The confidential advisor can also help you to draft a letter of complaint and with discussions with MET ggz or the municipality.

Confidential advisor for families

For relatives
MET ggz’s independent family confidential advisor is there to help everyone, including family and relatives of people who are not yet or no longer receiving treatment. You can contact him for information, advice, and mediation. The family confidential advisor’s services are free of charge.

The family confidential advisor for MET ggz is Chris de Haas: tel. 06 53242920, email You can also find information on the national website​​​​

"A complaints officer mediates between you and the person about whom the complaint is made. If you are unable to resolve the matter together, he will inform you, if necessary, of internal and external complaints procedures."

Role of the family confidential advisor

The family confidential advisor

• listens to your story and answers your questions
• provides general information about the client’s illness and treatment
• supports you in your contact with the care provider, practitioner, or manager
• mediates if you disagree with the care workers
• assists you in submitting a complaint
• informs you of groups for people with similar experiences, courses, and organizations that can provide support in relation to client care
• alerts MET ggz to the problems of family and relatives
• reports back to MET ggz regarding any rules that may be problematic for you

Complaints committee

You can submit a complaint to the MET ggz complaints committee. This complaints committee consists of three independent external members.

You will be informed of the course of events within two weeks after the complaint has been received. The complaints committee listens to both parties. If the committee needs to inspect your treatment details, it will request your permission to do so. The committee will issue its decision within three months of the complaint being submitted. The committee will propose measures to the MET ggz management. You will receive the decision in writing.

The management of MET ggz is responsible for deciding on possible measures. The management may hold further discussions about this with those directly involved. You will be informed of any measures taken within one month.

Complaints file
The complaints committee creates a file for each complaint. Only the complainant and the person against whom the complaint is made have the right to view this file. MET ggz destroys the complaints file within 18 months of the decision being made. If you decide to instigate proceedings with an external body, MET ggz will retain the complaints file until these proceedings have been completed.

Arbitration committee for healthcare institutions

MET ggz is registered with the arbitration committee for healthcare institutions. This committee plays a specific role: it deals with a complaint if you are unable to resolve it with MET ggz and if the complaint involves damage which can be expressed in monetary terms. The arbitration committee handles claims up to €5,000.The handling of your complaint by the arbitration committee for healthcare institutions is not free of charge. For more information, visit

Confidential advisor regarding sexual abuse by care workers

Sexual/erotic contact between care workers and clients is always prohibited. If, during your treatment or counselling, your care worker sexually abuses you or behaves inappropriately, you can contact Hanny Leene, confidential advisor for cases of sexual abuse by care workers, at 06 13442074. She will listen to your concerns, offer support, and advise you on possible next steps.